General ELECTION Information
When will the election occur?
The election will occur on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. To find your voting location, please visit the Board of Elections website.
How can I vote?
You may vote in-person at your designated precinct on November 5th, at the Board of Elections on Early Voting dates (October 8th – November 3rd), or via absentee ballot.
What kind of election is it?
November 5th is a general election. Please mark November 5, 2024, and check 'General Election' on your absentee ballot application.
I want to vote absentee. How do I receive my ballot?
Download an absentee ballot application here. The Board of Elections recommends requesting absentee ballots no later than October 25th, and the ballot must be received by November 4th. Instructions for casting your vote by mail will be included with your ballot. To send your ballot, mail to the Hancock County Board of Elections (201 EAST LINCOLN STREET – REAR, FINDLAY, OH 45840).
I want to vote early. What do I need?
Early voting begins October 8th at the Hancock County Board of Elections. On the early voting date, you will need to take a photo ID with your current address to the Board of Elections to cast your ballot.

Important Dates
October 7, 2024- Deadline to register to vote in the November 2024 election
November 4, 2024 at 12:00pm- Deadline for Board to receive absentee ballot
November 5, 2024- ELECTION DAY!
Voter Resources